Consume Less to Survive

Have you ever wondered why we are where we are with the recent environmental problems?

For a start, it is not helpful to bury our heads in sand and think little recycling helps. It does not. Evidence shows that only 8-9% of plastic is actually recycled. While plastic is one problem, the overall issue is over consumption of everything, not just products that use plastic.

Example, ladies, how many pairs of jeans does one need? Same goes with make up, hair products, etc. Not singling out women, but if you have a walk in closet or walk in pantries bigger than a dorm room, that’s the first sign of over consumption.

Things we can ALL do to reduce consumption:

  1. Just buy less and buy what you need. This goes for food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, clothing, gas and environmentally harmful products;
  2. Recycle and support companies that are committed to these efforts. There are cosmetics companies that recycle items, such as lipstick containers in return for a free new one. Say Yes to those companies, and NO to ones who do nothing to improve the dire conditions we are in. Example, make a statement to businesses that use too much plastic or other harmful products and/or pollute the environment. This can be done by a simple post on line or actively boycotting their business group by group. Remember, business listen when something hurts their pocket book.
  3. Reduce your carbon footprint, fly less. Easier said, than done? Not really, When I had enough with airlines some three four years ago, being jerked around with flight delays and cancellations two three times in a row, and having spent over $5k in flights, I decided to ban flying for a year. Instead, I vowed to only travel for leisure with road trips. All over the world, there are national parks and resorts we can all visit and enjoy while also saving money and the planet. Try it. The statement you will be making to the airlines is: Improve the conditions and your emissions or we will not support you. The BBC “future” just ran a piece called “How big is your food print”? It covers a test where you can test your consumption of various food types to see how much land is used to cultivate them. While I doubt I would ever give up coffee, I could commit to drink less of it if it would help reduce my food print, same with eating beef, etc. The message is do your part to help ease the burden.
  4. Drive less and where possible invest in an electric car: Driving less can be achieved in may ways, car pooling, reducing your commute or working from home a few days a week. These are just a few examples, while you turn in your gas guzzling SUV or big car for an electric one. Why do you all drive SUV’s anyway? Unless you have more than two kids and two dogs, there is no reason whatsoever that you should be driving a gas guzzling SUV. I am amazed at the huge increase in the number of SUV’s I see even 10-15 years after it became common knowledge that we have an environmental pollution issue. Are we not caring? It can only be the explanation. I say, those who do not care and flash their fancy SUV’s around for no reason at all, should make a pledge to reduce emissions, buy electric or drive less!! At least in the U.K, there are people who actively pursue SUV owners by placing stickers or flyers on the cars, shaming them for the active polluting. This may encourage some change in behavior. I’m all for it. After all, some people may not be aware of their actions or inactions and may STOP the damage.

Since I started this blog a year and a half ago, many things have changed for the better. Once, some car manufacturers have decided to scrap the old gas guzzling cars and invest in electric cars only. See GM, BMW news.